School of Business was granted EQUIS accreditation for a further five years


The School got praise e.g. for the development of corporate collaboration and social impact.

equis_logo13-hr_web.jpgAalto University School of Business was granted the EQUIS (The European Quality Improvement System) label of excellence for a further period of five years as from November 2018. The School got praise for having reached the Development Objectives of the ongoing period. These included the development of corporate collaboration and social impact, assurance of learning, and ensuring the quality of the Global Executive MBA programme.

'Accreditations drive us towards continuous improvement, and passing the evaluation process indicates that we meet demanding international quality criteria', says Dean Ingmar Björkman. 'I am delighted to say that the School of Business has reached its development objectives and progressed in many areas. A big thank you to everyone involved in the accreditation process. We will continue to work together to make the School of Business even better.'

The School of Business has been EQUIS accredited since 1998. The continuity of the accreditation is evaluated regularly by extensive assessment of the university’s activities and results.

EQUIS accreditation is granted for either three or five years. The School of Business has always been accredited for a period of five years. The development objectives for the next five-year cycle will be determined later this autumn.

In addition to EQUIS, the School of Business also holds the AACSB and AMBA accreditations. Only around one percent of the world's business schools hold this so called 'Triple Crown' status, which the School of Business has held since 2007 and was the first one in the Nordics to hold.

Further information:
Ingmar Björkman, Dean
Aalto University, School of Business
tel. +358 40 704 0291

Tuija Nikko, Quality Manager
Aalto University, School of Business
tel. +358 50 529 2913

Official decision on EQUIS accreditation (pdf)
