Donations to the Foundation

Donations to the HSE Foundation offer businesses and other organizations and alumni and other private persons an uncomplicated way to contribute to the development of the Aalto University School of Business.

Donated funds are allocated to the area of research or teaching specified by the donor. The forms of donations include bequests to support theses and dissertations, funds dedicated to a particular person or purpose, and anniversary funds. All donations, even the smallest sums, are important for the development of the Aalto University School of Business.

In accordance with a decision by the Finnish Tax Administration, donations to the HSE Foundation ranging from 850 to 50,000 euro for promoting research are tax deductible from the earnings of the organization making the donation.

The Board of the HSE Foundations makes grants twice a year.

Decision regarding grants for theses and dissertations from donated funds are also made outside of the application periods. The Foundation’s contacts with both donors and grant recipients are both expert and flexible.

Donation accounts:
Nordea Bank FI 42 1012 3000 070621
Danske Bank FI 96 8000 1400 0622 13
Helsingin OP Bank FI 3957 800740 087601

Thanks to all our donors!

Page content by: | Last updated: 16.03.2018.