Autumn 2014




By decision of the Yrjö Uitto Foundation  on December 17, 2014, grants of 26.000 euros were made on the basis of applications submitted by November 6, 2014.

Iso-Berg Mikael                                   3.000 €

Kajalo Sami                                         3.000 €

Salmivaara Virva                                 4.000 €

Sasi Viveca                                       10.000 €

Sirén Charlotta                                    4.000 €

Rantanen Noora                                 2.000 €


Letters have been sent to grant recipients by the Yrjö Uitto Foundation.


Helsinki, January 23, 2014

Yrjö Uitto Foundation



Grant recipients   
By decision of the HSE Foundation Board on November 24, 2014, grants of 421,851 euros were made on the basis of applications     
submitted by September 30, 2014 to researchers, teachers, employees and students of the Aalto University School of Business.     
In addition, grants of 26,480 euros in support of theses were made separately from donated funds.     
Recognition awards of 54,500 euros in support for articles published in academic journals.         
Abbreviations used for the sources of grants:         

The HSE Foundation General Funds:        
TS =
The HSE Foundation General Funds        
Special Funds of the HSE Foundation:         
JH =
The Chancellor Jaakko Honko Fund    
KKK = HSE 50th Anniversary Fund        
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy Fund        
W =
The Oy Wärtsilä Ab Jubilee Fund     



Research project                                                             euro  
Kumar Ashish, PhD                                                         10 000 TS 
How Do Consumers Value Various Nutritional Contents in Purchased Food? A Longitudinal Study based on Revealed Preference.
Mao Yaping, dr.                                                                 5 000 TS 
Private equity and the reporting practices of private buyout companies

Dissertation                                                                       euro
Aitta Piia, KTM                                                                   13 000 TS 
Esseitä talouden ja yhteiskuntavastuun diskursseista yhtiö- ja työoikeudessa
Dike Marcellinus, M.Sc.                                                    13 000 TS 
Regional Strategy Development and Implementation: The Case of Mobile Telecom Multinationals in Sub-Sahara Africa
Gloukhovtsev Alexei, M. Sc. (myönnetty 2.6.2014)        10 830 TS 
Aloittava tohtoriopiskelija
Hakkarainen  Tuuli, M.Sc. (myönnetty 2.6.2014)            10 830 TS 
Aloittava tohtoriopiskelija
Lindström Sara, VTM                                                         13 000 TS 
Well-being at work and performance as boundary concepts: Position construction in public sector human resource management
Pajala Tommi, M.Sc (myönnetty 2.6.2014)                      10 830 TS 
Aloittava tohtoriopiskelija 
Penttilä Visa, M.Sc. (myönnetty 2.6.2014)                      10 830 TS 
Aloittava tohtoriopiskelija
Pinto da Silva Santos Fernando António, Master          13 000 TS 
Exploring the organizational intersection of brand and design management practices with a sociomaterial approach: a study of Finnish multinational SMEs
Porttikivi Merja, KTM                                                           6 000 TS 
"Essays on legitimacy in online public sphere"
Rinta-Kahila Tapani, M.Sc. (myönnetty 2.6.2014)           10 830 TS 
Aloittava tohtoriopiskelija
Rintamäki Jukka, KTM                                                       11 000 TS 
On collective forgetting of corporate irresponsibilities: A collection of essays.
Rudra Piyali, MBA                                                              13 000 TS 
Dissertation Proposal: The Social License to Operate: Examining the Social Acceptance of Firm Operations in Multi-Stakeholder Complex Environment
Savolainen Riikka, KTM                                                     13 000 TS 
Empiirinen poliittinen taloustiede
Sillanpää Ville, M.Sc.(myönnetty 2.6.2014)                      10 830 TS 
Aloittava tohtoriopiskelija
Svanberg Marja, M.Sc. (myönnetty 2.6.2014)                   10 830 TS 
Aloittava tohtoriopiskelija
Vaniala Iiro, KTM                                                                 13 000 TS 
Upper Echelons Perspective in Firm’s Competitive Behavior
Wang  Wei, Msc, LL.M. LL.B.                                               6 000 TS 
Merger control in the EC: how do remedies matter?
Emeritus professor                                                              euro
Kallio Markku, Ph.D                                                              7 500 TS
Studies in Management Science
Korhonen Pekka, FT                                                             7 500 TS 
Emeritus apuraha
Other scholarly research                                                     euro
Logemann (Mars) Minna, KTT                                             10 000 TS 
Post-doc -tutkimus, väitöskirjan pohjalta ja aineistoista tieteellisiksi artikkeleiksi jalostaminen, sekä tutkimustyön jatkaminen uuden aineiston parissa.
Mikkonen Ilona, KTT                                                              3 000 TS
Consumer Non-exercise culture
Sabbatical Leave                                                                   euro
Seristö Hannu, KTT                                                               9 500 TS 
Lokakuussa 2014 alkavan sapattijakson eli tutkimusvapaan (10/2014-9/2015)aikana tehtävän empiriatyön kulujen kattamiseen, lähinnä matkakuluja.
Study/research abroad                                                           euro
Aho Lotta, OTM, KTK                                                              5 000 W 
Tutkijavierailu Otagon yliopistoon.               
Ruuska Toni, KTM                                                                  8 000 TS 
Tutkimusvierailu: University for Peace,Department of Environment and Development, Ciudad Colón, Costa Rica., , Konferenssi: UPEACE Research Colloquium, 2015, Peaceful Coexistence: Genders, Natures,, and Technologies in the Anthropocene., University for Peace, 27.-30.4.2015, Costa Rica.
Vanharanta Outi, KTM                                                           10 000 TS 
Emergence and manifestation of paradoxical tensions in organizational change and innovation
Volchek Daria, Dr.                                                                   9 000 TS 
Policy Induced Expatriate Entrepreneurship – a New Logic of Entrepreneurial Migration and a Source of Future Economic Growth (conducted in Stanford University under mentorship of Professor Vivek Wadhwa)
Master’s thesis                                                                        euro
Aaltonen Atte, KTK                                                                 1 600 LAHJ 
Organizational learning in IS programs - A case sudy of a Master Data Management Program      
Bermingham Barry, M.Sc.                                                     7 200 LAHJ 
Association analysis of Media products on household level
Kuhta Tiia, KTK                                                                      3 000 PWC 
Alan ohjeistuksen ja standardien kehityksen vaikutukset mukautettujen tilintarkastuskertomusten sisältöön
Leppä Rosmarie, KTK                                                            7 000 LAHJ 
Strategy implementation in the product development industry - Using discourse analysis to approach strategy from a people perspective
Nevalainen Anssi, KTK                                                           9 080 LAHJ 
Barriers for technology non-adoption in SMEs sales invoicing processes
Piekkari Annina, KTK                                                              1 600 LAHJ 
Ravintolatyöntekijöiden työn merkityksellisyys ja työhyvinvointi
Course                                                                                      euro
Dike Marcellinus, M.Sc.                                                           2 200 JH 
Hakkarainen Tuuli, KTM                                                          1 800 TS 
Nordic Research School of International Business (Nord-IB) is a compulsory part of doctoral students of International Business of Aalto University School of Business. The course of 1,5 years (30 ECTS) consists of modules which take place in the Nordic countries and in the UK.               
Juntunen Jouni, DI                                                                    800 JH 
oikos Young Scholars Entrepreneurship Academy 2015 “Exploring Social Issues in Entrepreneurship”
Laihonen Maarit, KTM                                                            1 200 TS 
Joint ICTP-IAEA School of Nuclear Energy Management
Lätti Sonja, KTM                                                                        700 TS 
Kurssin nimi: The Theory and Practice of Conducting Process Research in Organisational Settings
Riikkinen Rilana, M.Sc., MIM                                                 1 800 TS
Nord - IB: , is a madatory 1.5 year course program for the International Business Doctoral Degree., All cost estimates include the travel and accommodation costs for the duration of the modules as well as the day before and after the modules.
Vaniala Iiro, KTM                                                                    2 000 TS 
Conference paper/working paper                                        euro
Ahlgren Oskar, KTM                                                              1 780 TS 
Del Rio Olivares Maria Jose, MSc.                                       1 800 TS 
2015 Winter Marketing Educator’s Conference
Eskelinen Juha, KTT                                                              1 800 TS 
INFORMS Annual meeting 2014
Graff Daniel, MBA , Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH)                    1 800 TS 
2015 INGRoup Conference
Haataja Vera, KTM                                                                 1 200 TS 
ESU 2014 conference and doctoral program
Hekkala Riitta, FT                                                                    1 800 TS 
Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-48), konferenssi tammikuussa 2015
Huikku Jari, KTT                                                                     1 200 TS 
38th European Accounting Associationin vuosikongressi
Jyrämä Annukka , KTT                                                           1 800 TS 
3rd International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance – ICMLG 2015
Kajalo Sami, KTT                                                                      1 800 TS 
22nd American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences Annual Conference
Kallio Markku, PhD                                                                   1 000 TS 
Euro Working Group for, Commodities and Financial Modelling
Kilpinen Paula, KTT                                                                  1 800 TS 
Strategic Management in the Asian Century – Dealing with Dynamism, Diversity and Development
Koveshnikov Alexei, DSc. (Econ.)                                             800 TS 
European International Business Academy (EIBA) 2014 Conference
Kuosmanen Timo, KTT                                                            1 800 TS 
INFORMS Annual Meeting
Kähäri Perttu, DI, KTM                                                              1 070 TS 
European International Business Academy (EIBA) -konferenssi, Uppsala, Ruotsi, 11.-13.12.2014
Lehtimäki Aku-Ville , KTM                                                        1 800 TS 
Lindström Sara, VTM                                                                  900 TS 
Professions, Bonds and Boundaries: Visioning a globalizing, managed and inclusive professionalism -konferenssi
Logemann (Mars) Minna, KTT                                                 1 200 TS 
NCA  100th Annual Convention, November 20-23, 2014 in Chicago
Logemann (Mars) Minna, KTT                                                    600 TS 
ABC 79th Annual International Conference - Philadelphia, USA 22.-25.10.2014
Malo Pekka, PhD                                                                       1 800 TS 
Mattila Merja, KTT                                                                     1 800 TS 
Tutkimuspaperin esitys konferenssissa, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences -48
Mihailova  Irina, KTT                                                                 1 800 TS 
Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual meeting , 27.6-30.6.2015, Bangalore, India, Host: Indian Institute of Management, Paper1:Competitiveness of Emerging Market firms in developed markets: understanding the role of institutions, Paper2:Critical analysis of methodological foundation of IE field
Mäkinen Mikko, KTT                                                                 1 800 TS 
The World Finance & Banking Symposium  Singapore, December 12-13, 2014, (Nanyang Business School)
Nykänen Jussi, KTM                                                                 1 800 TS 
48th Annual Hawaii International Conference , on System Sciences (HICSS 2015)
Paavola Lauri, DI                                                                       1 800 TS 
International Business Conference
Pajala Tommi, DI                                                                       1 800 TS 
Oman paperin esittely INFORMS2014-konferenssissa San Franciscossa sekä vierailu Stanfordin yliopistossa laitoksen perjantaiseminaarissa
Penttinen Esko, KTT                                                                 1 800 TS 
HICSS 2015, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Pöyry Essi, KTM                                                                        1 800 TS 
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2015 (HICSS)
Quarshie Anne, M.Sc. Econ. 1 200 TS Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, presentation at Regular Research Track, Humanitarian: Collaborative Approaches and Technologies for Disaster Recovery Efforts.
Rudra Piyali, MBA                                                                       1 800 TS 
PDAC, Canada, March 2015 – Networking & Discussing Ideas with Industry Experts, Artic Business Forum, Finland, March 2015 – Networking & Discussing Ideas with Industry Experts, AIB, India, June 2015 – Presentation of Proposal +1/2 Chapter, AOM, Canada, August 2015 – Presentation of Proposal + 3/4 Chapt
Saarinen Timo, KTT                                                                   1 800 TS 
HICSS-konferenssi, Hilton Waikoloa, Big Island, Havaii
Sinha Ankur, PhD                                                                       1 200 TS 
8th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization
Suutari Minna, KTM                                                                    1 200 TS 
ICA Research Conference 2015, Future of the Cooperative model: creativity, innovation and research; , EAA conference 2015; , EMAN conference 2015
Tilev Kristina, VTM                                                                        170 TS 
Työelämän tutkimuspäivät 2014
Vanhala Sinikka, KTT                                                                  1 800 TS 
BALAS 2015: Entrepreneurship in a Diverse World of "Glocal" Initiatives
Wallenius Jyrki, KTT 1 200 TS 23rd International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, 3-7.8.2015
Visitors                                                                                         euro
Laskentatoimen laitos / Niemi Lasse, KTT                                6 000 PWC 
Vierailija, prof. David Hay, University of Auckland, Uusi-Seelanti. Tutkijavierailu Laskentatoimen laitoksella, elo-syyskuu (n.2 kk) 2015. Prof. Hay on hyvin kokenut ja tunnettu tilintarkastusalan tutkija, mm. molempien johtavien alan aikakauskirjojen (AJPT ja IJAu) toimituskunnan jäsen.
Group trip                                                                                      euroa
Stagneth Thomas & Opintoryhmä, Diplomvolkswirt                 3 000 TS 
Opintojakson nimi, 62C00303 Erlebte Landeskunde 6 op, kts. lisää liitteessä 1
Other trip                                                                                        euro
Johtamisen laitos / Koria Mikko, KTT                                          1 800 TS 
Aalto University has been selected in a very competitive process to host the 11th annual, INGRoup (interdisciplinary network for group research) Conference in July 2016., , The 10th annual INGRoup conference of 2015 will be organized in Pitssburg, US.
Kallio Galina, KTM                                                                          1 200 TS 
Vierailu Cambidgen Yliopistossa.
Mäkelä Kristiina, KTT                                                                      1 100 TS 
The 40th European International Business Academy (EIBA) conference in Uppsala, Sweden, Dec 11-13, 2014
Pinjamaa Noora, KTM                                                                      4 500 TS 
Vieraileva Tutkija, University of California, Berkeley Center for New Media
Salovaara Antti, PhD                                                                        3 000 TS 
Kaksi yhdistettyä matkaa: CHI2015-konferenssin artikkelikäsikirjoitusten arviointikomitean kokous Soulissa (Etelä-Korea) 13.-14.12.2014 ja ICIS2014-konferenssi Aucklandissa (Uusi-Seelanti) 15.-17.12.2014.
Tillotson Jack, Doctoral Candidate, M.B.A                                       700 TS 
Nordic CCT PhD Workshop
Wallenius Jyrki, KTT                                                                         1 800 TS 
Tutkimusyhteistyömatka Michigan State University, East Lansing
For development of teaching methods                                           euro
Vihervaara Tommi, KTM                                                                   2 900 KKK 
Yritysyhteistyö opetuksessa -kirja
Language revision of dissertation                                                   euro
Iso-Berg Mikael, KTL                                                                         273 TS  
Entrepreneur's identity in personal branding: A study on building the brand
Juntunen Jouni, DI                                                                            969 TS  
The Active Energy Citizen - User innovation, Prosumption and New Energy Communities in Renewable Micro-Generation
Keshvari Abolfazl, Ph.D. candidate                                                 724 TS  
Advances on aximatic nonparametric approaches to productivity and efficiency analysis
Logemann  Minna, KTM                                                                 1 500 TS 
Väitöskirjan 1. - 4. esseiden tarkastus
Saastamoinen Antti, YTM                                                                 613 TS  
Modelling heterogeneous operating environment and productionrisk in modern productivity analysis
Sievers Henrik, KTM                                                                          451 TS 
Dominant designs in complex technological systems - A longitudinal case study of a telecom company 1980-2010
Weijo  Henri, KTT                                                                             1 500 TS 
Understanding consumer value and community heterogenity

Language revision of other scholarly research                              euro
Huikku  Jari, KTT                                                                                491 TS  
Relative Reliability and the Recognizable Firm: The Production of 'Value in Use' Goodwill Impairment Tests
OTHER GRANT                                                                                 euro
Johtamisen laitos / Järventie-Thesleff Rita, KTT                           1 000 TS 
CEMSin Global Strategy Faculty Groupin kokouksen järjestäminen. Kokouksen tarkoituksena on paitsi CEMS strategiakurssin opetuskokemusten jakaminen myös yhteisten tutkimusintressien kartoitus. Käyttötarkoitus: Tilaisuuden järjestelykustannukset
Johtamisen laitos / Koria Mikko, KTT                                             5 000 TS 
Aalto University has been selected in a very competitive process to host the 11th annual, INGRoup (interdisciplinary network for group research) Conference in July 2016. The current grant application concerns the preparatory work needed for the organization of the conference.
Tieto- ja palvelutalouden laitos / Kuosmanen Timo, KTT             7 000 TS 
EWEPA2015-konferenssin järjestäminen
Johtamisen laitos / Piekkari Rebecca, KTT                                    2 000 TS 
GEM&L (Groupe d'Etudes Management et Language)-vuosikonferenssin järjestäminen Aalto-yliopston kauppakorkeakoulussa yhteistyössä Hankenin kanssa 10-12.6.2015.
Nordic Finance Network (NFN) / Mikko Leppämäki, PhD              6 000 TS 
PhD Nordic Finance Workshop 2015, Helsinki., Esitelty tarkemmin liitteessä.
Aspara Jaakko, KTT, TaT, DI, Tainio Risto, prof. emer. ja työryhmä    1 500 TS 
Explaining corporate short-termism: self-reinforcing processes and biases among investors, the media and corporate managers
Aspara Jaakko, KTT, TaT, DI ja työryhmä                                               1 000 TS 
Group-buying deal popularity
Bask Anu, KTT, Hämäläinen Erkki, prof. emer. ja työryhmä                 2 000 TS 
Development of seaport-dry port dyads: two cases from Northern Europe
Björkman Ingmar, KTT ja työryhmä                                                         4 000 TS 
A Retrospective: MNC Knowledge Transfer, Subsidiary Absorptive Capacity and HRM.
Chakhovich Terhi, KTT                                                                              2 000 TS 
Perceptions of share price: long-term or short-term oriented?
Eskelinen Juha, KTT, Halme Merja, KTT, Korhonen Pekka, FT             2 000 TS 
Non-convex value efficiency analysis and its application to bank branch sales evaluation
Halme Merja, KTT, Kallio  Markku, prof. emer.                                        2 000 TS 
Estimation methods for choice-based conjoint analysis of consumer preferences
Hamari Juho, M.Sc. ja työryhmä                                                               2 000 TS 
Measuring Flow in Gamification: Dispositional Flow Scale-2
Hamari Juho, M.Sc. ja työryhmä                                                               2 000 TS 
Transparency of Intentions Decreases Privacy Concerns in Ubiquitous Surveillance
Hamari Juho, M.Sc                                                                                     2 000 TS 
Transforming Homo Economicus into Homo Ludens: A Field Experiment on Gamification in a Utilitarian Peer-To-Peer Trading Service
Kauppi  Katri, KTT  ja työryhmä                                                                2 000 TS 
Using organisationa theories to further our understanding of socially sustainable supply chains - The case of fair trade
Kautonen Teemu, PhD ja työryhmä                                                          2 000 TS 
Regional social legitimacy of entrepreneurship: implications for entrepreneurial intention and start-up behaviour
Kivikangas Matias, PsM, Järvelä Simo, BBA ja työryhmä                      2 000 TS 
Gender differences in emotional responses to coopeative and competitive game play
Kivikangas Matias, PsM  ja työryhmä                                                       2 000 TS 
Emotional responses to victory and defeat as a function of opponent
Lehtoranta Suvi, FM  ja työryhmä                                                             2 000 TS 
Modeling and visualization of residential sector energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
Mäkelä Kristiina, KTT  ja työryhmä                                                            4 000 TS 
Language and Cultural Skills as Determinants of Boundary Spanning within the MNC
Mäkelä Kristiina, KTT, Björkman Ingmar, KTT ja työryhmä                    4 000 TS 
What determines employee perceptions of HRM process features? The case of performance appraisal in MNC subsidiaries
Nyberg Peter, KTT  ja työryhmä                                                                 2 000 TS 
Firm Expansion and Stock Price Momentum
Nyberg Peter, KTT ja työryhmä                                                                  2 000 TS 
Equity premium in Finland and long-term performance of the Finnish equity and money markets
Ritvala Tiina, KTT, Salmi Asta, KTT ja työryhmä                                     2 000 TS 
MNCs and local cross-sector partnerships: The case of a smarter Baltic Sea
Ritvala Tiina, KTT, Piekkari Rebecca, KTT, Mihailova Irina, KTT, Salmi Asta, KTT ja työryhmä                                                                                                      4 000 TS 
Breaking the silence about exiting fieldwork: a relational approach and its implications for, theorizing.
Schildt Henri, PhD  ja työryhmä                                                                 4 000 TS 
Entrepreneurial Storytelling, Future Expectations, and the Paradox of Legitimacy
Vanhala Sinikka, KTT   ja työryhmä                                                           2 000 TS 
Occupational justice, optimization with compensation, and nursers' work ability
RECOGNITION AWARDS: (Granted June 2, 2014, announced September 5, 2014,  euro
Kaustia Markku, KTT                                                                                   4 000 TS 
Vuoden 2013 opettajan tunnustuspalkinto
Kilpinen Paula, KTT                                                                                     4 000 TS 
Vuoden 2013 väitöskirjatunnustuspalkinto
Kuusi Tero, FT                                                                                              2 000 TS 
Tunnustuspalkinto v. 2013 korkealaatuisesta väitöskirjasta
Lempinen Heikki, KTT                                                                                  2 000 TS 
Tunnustuspalkinto v. 2013 korkealaatuisesta väitöskirjasta
Mikkonen  Ilona, Yliopistonlehtori                                                              4 000 TS 
Vuoden 2013 opetusmateriaalin tuottaja
Mäkelä Kristiina, KTT                                                                                   4 000 TS 
Vuoden 2013 tutkijan tunnustuspalkinto
Tikkanen Henrikki, KTT                                                                                4 000 TS 
Vuoden 2013 ohjaajan tunnustuspalkinto
Vakkuri Johanna, Controller                                                                        4 000 TS 
Vuoden 2013 palveluhenkilön tunnustuspalkinto
Letters including instructions will be sent to grant recipients in December 2014        
Arto Mäenmaa        
Managing Direction




Page content by: | Last updated: 05.02.2015.