The HSE Support Foundation

Grants, fall 2016


By decision of the HSE Foundation Board on November 29, grants of 337,967 euros were made on the basis of applications submitted by September 30, to researchers, teachers, employees ans students of the Aalto University School of Business. In addition, grants of 26,000 euros in support of theses were made separately from donated funds. Recognition awards of 86,000 euros in support for articles published in academic journals.


Abbreviations used for the sources of grants:


The HSE Support Foundation General Funds:

TS=The foundation general funds



Special funds of the HSE Support Foundation:

JH=The Chancellor Jaakko Honko fund

KKK=HSE 50th Anniversary Fund

PWC=Pricewaterhousecoopers Oy Fund

W=Oy Wärtsilä Ab Jubilee Fund



Research project


Chliova Myrto, Assistant Professor, PhD    10 000 TS   Caring for others, caring for oneself: entrepreneurs´ prosocial motivations and their impact on entrepreneurial behaviors and outcomes

del Rio Olivares Maria Jose, M.Sc.    3 500   TS   "The Interaction Effects of Pricing Variables over Customer Lifecycle"

Kodeih Farah, PhD    5 000    TS    Entrepreneurship in and around crisis-affected communities: stories of how refugees cope in the face of adversity in Lebanon and Finland 

Wittowski Kristina, Dr.rer.pol.     5 000     TS    Consumer response to marketing of non-ownership services



Bhatnagar Kushagra, D.Sc.  (decision 14.6.2016)       10 830     TS      Service as a struggle for recognition

Blakaj Hedon, KTM     10 000    TS    Cultural (re)production: Disc Jockeys as cultural intermediaries

Choudhury Ranajoy, MBA, BE  (decision 14.6.2016)    10 830     TS     Category Spanning by Hybrid organizations: A Sustainable Enterprise Context

Fan Wenje, Master of Science (Management Information Systems)  (decision 14.6.2016)    10 830   TS    Customer service via Social Media: The Question You Ask Matters

Haataja Vera, KTM     5 000   TS    Entrepreneurial empowerment

Kuismin Ari, MMM, MSc   (decision 14.6.2016)    10 830    TS    Creating Space for Entrepreneurial Practice

Launonen Pentti, DI     6 000    TS     Orchestrating Heterarchical Open Innovation Ecosystems

Lätti Sonja, KTM    12 000     TS    Strategic renewal through initiative development - a middle management perspective

Makkoeva Anna, M.Sc.   (decision 14.6.2016)    10 830    TS    Personal Grant to support first year of full-time doctoral studies

Maula Hanna, VTM, FL   (decision 14.6.2016)    10 830    TS    Entrepreneurial Identity and entrepreneurial opportunities

Pinjamaa Noora, KTM    2 000   TS    Adapting to the changing landscape of online media: experiences, challenges and strategies among content producers

Rudra Piyali, MBA     12 000    TS    Social License to Operate: The Company Dimension - Working within and beyond the CSR Framework

Salmivaara Virva, KTM, VTM     4 000    TS    Yrittäjyyttä yhteisen hyvän vuoksi

Sirkjärvi Maija, KTM    2 000    TS     An Equilibrium Model of Sorting for Helsinki Capital Region Housing Market

Snellman Kirsi, KTM     8 000     TS    The Role of emotions in new venture creation

Taponen Suvituulia, HTM   (decision 14.6.2016)    5 415   TS   How to optimize the benefits of purchasing in public service delivery?

Tiittala Pirjo Terttu Sinikka, KTM    12 000    TS    Identiteetti affektiivisena käytäntönä akateemisessa työssä

You Weimu, M.Sc    (decision 14.6.2016)     10 830   TS    From Asia to Africa: trends and shifts in global sourcing patterns


Professor Emeritus

Korhonen Pekka, FT     7 500    TS     Emeritusprofessorin apuraha

Möller Kristian, KTT     7 500     TS   Emeritus-apuraha Liiketoimintaverkostojen ja innovaatio-ekosysteemien orkestrointi -tutkimukseen toteuttamiseen

Niskakangas Heikki, OTT, KTM    7 500    TS   1. Uusi yrittäjävähennys, 2. Agressiivinen verosuunnittelu, yhdessä Hannu Ojalan ja Tomi Viitalan kanssa


Other research

Outila Virpi, KTM     12 000     TS    Translation of employee empowerment into the Russian context


Master's thesis

Gemmink Christine, B.Sc.     10 000     LAHJ  Escalation end-user centicity. Improving the safety and reliability of escalators through historical fault data

 Laine Jaakko, KTK     8 000    LAHJ     Improving warehouse picking efficiency through product replacement and process changes: Simulation of warehouse's outbound flow

Nguyen Linh, B.Sc.      6 400    LAHJ     A case study of dataphone system improvement process

Nieminen Julius, KTK     1 600    LAHJ    Hallitustyös arviointi suomalaisissa pärssi-, valtion- sekä perheyhtiöissä




Bhatnagar Kushagra, D.Sc     1 800    TS     Spring School on Culture, Interaction and Society

Dike MArcellinus, M.Sc.       1 900     TS    [AIB-L] Henley IB Masterclass - Autumn 2016

Kiran Anila, PhD candidate    1 881     TS   EDEN Doctoral Seminar on How to Design your PhD

Maghakyan Arpine, MSc          1040     TS    Travel grant for participating 2016 STATA Winter School, London

Mäenpää Emma, MSc      2 000     TS     Eden Doctoral Seminar on Consumer Research

Platanou Kalliopi, M.Sc     3 800    TS     Nordic Research School of International Business (Nord-IB) courses and KATAJA Doctoral Tutorial in International Business

Vaniala Iiro, KTM     2 000     TS     Uni.BZ Workshop on outliners


Conference paper/Working paper

Ahlgren Oskar, KMM      1 200    TS   ICDM 2016

Bagues Manuel, PhD      900     TS    American Economic Association

Bhatnagar Kushagra, D.Dc     1 200    TS    Association of Consumer Research Conference, Berlin 2016  

Dehghan Hardorouri, MSc     1 800    TS    The 2016 INFORMS ANNUAL MEETING

Dike Marcellinus, MSc       1 200      TS     1. Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) conference in Adelaide, Australia, 2. Academy of International Business United Kingdom and Ireland Chapter conference at Henley Business School, University of Redding, UK

Gloukhotsev Alexei, MSc    1 200     TS    Academy of International Business 2017 Annual Meeting

Haataja Vera, KTM     1 200    TS    RENT 2016 conference

Hakkarainen Tuuli, KTM     1 200     TS    European International Business Academy (EIBA)

Heikkilä  Jukka-Pekka Mikael, KTT     1 800     TS    6th Annual International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Hekkala Riitta, FT     1 800      TS    the 50th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences

Huikku Jari, KTT      1 200    PWC   Financial reporting and auditing as social and organizational practice 3

Hänninen Mikko, KTM    1 650     TS    International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Technology

Kajalo Sami, KTT      1 800     TS     24nd American Society of Business and Sciences Annual Conference

Kallio Markku, PhD     1 800    TS   ONFORMS 2016

Keshvari Abofazl, PhD     1 800    TS  The 2016 INFORMS Annual Meeting

Klein Jan F., Dr.        1 750     TS    Global enter for Big Data in Mobile Analytics -Conference 2016 

Koivisto Elina Maria, KTM     1 800    TS   Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, sekä väitöskirjan tutkimussuunnitelman esittely saman konferenssin tohtorikollegiossa

Koveshnikov Alexei, DSc      1 175    TS    European International Business Academy (EIBA) 2016 Conference

Luotonen Niilo, MSc     1 450      TS     American Economic Association Annual Meeting

Malmelin Nando, VTT     1 200      TS    6th European Commication Conference (ECREA)

Malo Pekka, KTT     1 800     TS    INFORMS 2017

Martin Diane, PhD     1 800     TS    Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy, 2nd CCT & Interpretive Workshop

Melgin Jari, KTT      1 200      TS     13th Workshop on Corporate Governance

Mihailova Irina, KTT       1 200    TS   42nd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy

Niemi Erkka, KTM    1 200    TS    International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2016)

Outila Virpi, KTM      1 100     TS    42nd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy

Paavola Lauri, DI     1 200    TS     Oxford Retail Futures Conference: Data analytics

Piekkari Rebecca, KTT     1 200   TS    42nd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA)

Pinjamaa Noora, KTM     1 200     TS     ICIS 2016 Doctoral Consortium

Puttonen Vesa, KTT     1 800     TS    Academy of Financial Services 2016 Conference Las Vegas 

Rossi Matti, KTT    1 800    TS    Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences

Saittakari Iiris, KTM, CEMS MIM    1 200    TS   International Business Review (IBR) Paper Development Workshop (PDW) ja European International Business Academy (EIBA) 2016 Annual Meeting EGOS confrence 2017, Copehagen

Silvola Hanna, KTT     1 200    TS    Accounting, Organizations & Society Journaalin workshop 'Financial reporting and Auditing as Social and Organizational Practice 3'

Tiilikainen Sanna, MSc    1 200    TS    Participation in JAIS theory development pre-ICIS2016 workshop

Tuunainen Virpi, KTT    1 800     TS   HICSS-50

Vilkkumaa Eeva, TkT     1 800     TS    INFORMS 2016 Annual Meeting

Wittkowski Kristina, Dr.rer.pol.     1 800     TS   Research seminar at Global Center for Big Data in Mobile Analytics, Temple University Fox School of Business

Zinovyeva Natalia, PhD     1 800     TS    Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association (ASSA meetings)


Other travel


Houtbeckers Eeva, KTM      890      JH    Esitys Warwick Business Schoolin tutkimusseminaarissa sekä työskentely yhteiskirjoittajan kanssa

Katila Saija, KTT     1 000     TS    Visiting scholar travel grant application 1.1.2017-19.2.2017, Mobility I: St Mary's University, Sobey School of Business, Mobility II: University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Isenberg School of Management

Niemi Lasse Lauri Tuomas, KTT     2 500   PWC    Lyhytkestoinen tutkijavierailu Floridan yliopistoon



Language revision for dissertation (advance decisions made during application period)

Ahlgren Oskar, KTM    664     TS     Semantic Content Filtering and Sentiment Analysis for Business News

Arpiainen Riitta-Liisa, KTM      374    TS     Learning Risk-Taking and Coping with Uncertainty Through Experiental, Team Based Education: Transformative Nature of entrepreneurship Education

Farny Steffen, MSc        1 500      TS     Revisiting the nexus of entrepreneurship

Houtbeckers Eeva, KTM      1 412     TS    Mundane social entrepreneurship: A practice perspective to the work of microentrepreneurs

Itani Sami, KTM         1 500      TS      A Critical Theory approach to human resource management: Mapping out the ideologigal evolution of HRM in the era of multinational corporations

Laihonen Maarit, KTM      350     TS     Political foreplay for nuclear new build - Defining good at the intersection of politics, economy and technology

Porttikivi Merja, KTM (väit.)      573    TS    Organisaatioiden diskursiivinen legitimaatio kiistelevässä verkkojulkisuudessa

Saarinen Johanna, KTL, KM      1 500    TS     Managing global virtual teams

Seregina Anastasia, KTM      1 488     TS    Performing Fantasy and Reality

Sokura Bertta, Doctor      1 500      TS    Learning to use office applications: Understanding the antecedents of adaptive IT use

Stitzing Robin, KTT     1 276     TS    Essays on Empirical Microeconomics

Taipale Tiina, VTM      180      TS     Environmental Selves and Alternative Meanings of Work 

Veress Jozseff, MSc     1 489     TS    Transformational outcomes of civil society organizations

Väistö Terhi, KTM       1 500     TS     Children's discourse on development in online and office fields: a study of positions and symbolic power




CEMS Club Helsinki ry / Javier Savolainen, KTK       2 000    TS   CEMS Stage 2016 tapahtuma, joka järjestetään 22.11.2016 Aallon kauppakorkeakoulussa

Johtamisen laitos / Piekkari Rebecca, KTT      2 400       W     Workshopin järjestäminen 'THE GENERATION OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT RESEARCH'

Taloustieteen laitos / Nilsson Hakkala Katariina, PhD    5 000    KKK   Nordic International Trade Seminars (NOITS) 2017 -konferenssin järjestäminen




Bagues Manuel, PhD ja työryhmä     4 000    TS    Pliticians' Luck of the Draw: Evidence from the Spanish Christmas Lottery

Björkman Ingmar, KTT ja työryhmä     4 000     TS    Toward an Architectural Framework for Human Capital within the Global Context

Cacciotti Gabriella, PhD ja työryhmä     4 000      TS   A reconceptualisation of fear of failure in entrepreneurship

Falk Tomas, Dr.rer.pol ja työryhmä      2 000      TS    Channels in the Mirror: An Alignable Model for Assessing Customer Satisfaction in Concurrent Channel Systems

Fey Carl, PhD ja työryhmä       4 000     TS      Are the Extent and Effect of Psychic Distance Perceptions Symmetrical in Cross-border M&As? Evidence from China and Sweden

Granqvist Nina, KTT ja Gustafsson Robin     4 000    TS    Temporal Institutional Work

Ikäheimo Seppo, KTT, Keloharju, Professori ja työryhmä   4 000     TS    IQ and Mutual Fund Choice

Kauppila Olli-Pekka, KTT      2 000    TS    When and How does LMX differentiation influence followers' work outcomes? The interactive roles of one's own LMX status and organizational context

Kauppila Olli-Pekka, KTT ja työryhmä    4 000   TS   The social-cognitive underpinnings of employees' ambidextrous behavior and the supportive role of group managers' leadership

Kaustia Markku, KTT, Torstila Sami, KTT ja työryhmä     4 000    TS   "Stoc ownership and political behavior: Evidence from demutualizations"

Kibler Ewald, PhD, Kautonen Teemu, Dr, Associate Professor ja työryhmä    2 000    TS   Can Social Exclusion Against "Older Entrepreneurs" be Managed?

Koveshnikov Alexei, DSc (Econ), Vaara Eero, Professor ja työryhmä    4 000    TS   Stereotype-Based Managerial Identity Work in Multinational Corporations

Kumar Ashish, PhD ja työryhmä    2 000    TS    Impact of Healthy Alternatives on Consumer Choice: A Balancing Act   

Liesiö Juuso, TkT ja työryhmä     2 000    TS    Adjustable robustness for multi-attribute project portfolio selection

Malmi Teemu, KTT, Sandelin Mikko, KTM ja työryhmä    4 000    TS   Management control effectiveness and strategy: An empirical analysis of packages and systems

Malo Pekka, KTT, Wallenius Jyrki, Professori, Korhonen Pekka, Professori (emeritus) ja työryhmä     2 000    TS    Solving Bilevel Multicriterion Optimization Problems With Lower Level Decision Uncertainty

Moisander Johanna, KTT, Hirsto Heidi, KTT ja työryhmä     4 000    TS   Emotions in Institutional Work: A  Discursive Perspective

Nyberg, KTT, Keloharju Matti, Professori ja työryhmä    4 000   TS    Return Seasonalities

Suominen Matti, PhD ja työryhmä       4 000     TS    Hedge Funds and Stock Market Efficiency

Tikkanen Henrikki, KTT ja työryhmä     2 000    TS    Effective Forms of Market Orientation across the Business Cycle: A Longitudinal Analysis of Business-to-Business Firms

Tikkanen Henrikki, KTT ja työryhmä    2 000     TS   Various forms of value-based selling capability - Commentary on "Value-Based Selling: An Organizational Capability Perspective"

Tikkanen Henrikki, KTT, Luoma Jukka, KTT ja työryhmä   4 000    TS    What Counts Versus What Can Be Counted: The Complex Interplay of Market Orientation and Marketing Performance Measurement

Turunen Taija, Dr.Sc.       2 000    TS    Platforms in service-driven manufacturing: Leveraging complexity by connecting, sharing, and integrating

Vaara Eero, KTT ja työryhmä       2 000     TS    Narratives as sources of stability and change in organizations: approaches and directions for future research

Vaara Eero, KTT ja työryhmä      2 000     TS     Explanations of Success and Failure in Management Learning: What Can We Learn From Nokia's Rise and Fall

Vaara Eero, KTT ja työryhmä     4 000   TS    Taking historical embeddedness seriously: Three historical approaches to advance strategy process and practice research

Vaara Eero, KTT ja työryhmä     2 000     TS    Explaining Employees' Reactions towards a Cross-Border Merger: The Role of English Language Fluency

Wittkowski Kristina, Dr. rer. pol. ja työryhmä    2 000     TS   Contagious Effects of Customer Misbehavior in Access-Based Services


RECOGNITION AWARD (decision 14.6., given out 9.9.2016)

Baker Michael, Master of Arts       4 000     TS   Vuoden opettajan tunnustuspalkinto

Lehtoranta Antti, KTT       2 000    TS    Vuoden 2015 korkeatasoinen väitöskirja

Lund Rebecca, PhD      4 000     TS    The Dissertation of the year 2015

Luoma Jukka, KTT     4 000    TS    Vuoden opetuksen kehittäjän palkinto

Pesonen Sanna        4 000     TS    Vuoden palveluhenkilön palkinto

Söderholm Jonna, KTM     4 000     TS    Vuoden yhteiskunnallisen vaikuttajan palkinto

Vaara Eero, KTT       4 000     TS    Vuoden tutkijan tunnustuspalkinto

Valmari Nelli, KTT     2 000      TS    Vuoden 2015 korkeatasoinen väitöskirja


Letters including instructions will be sent to grant recipients in December 2016




Arto Mäenmaa

Managing director


The Yrjö Uitto Grants in Fall 2016


By decision of the Yrjö Uitto Foundation on December 2, 2016, grants of 25.500 euros were made on the basis of applications submitted by October 24, 2016.

Eeva Houtbeckers              1.000 €

Teemu Kautonen                7.500 €

Arto Lindblom                     5.000 €

Noora Rantanen                 2.000 €

Jouko Pitkänen                 10.000 €


Letters will be sent to grant recipients by the Yrjö Uitto Foundation.


Helsinki, December 13, 2016.

Yrjö Uitto Foundation








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