Grants, Fall 2018

THE HSE SUPPORT FOUNDATION SR.                      
By decision of the HSE Support Foundation board on November 22, 2018, grants of 520,860 euros were made on the basis of applications submitted by September 30, 2018, to researhers, teachers, employees and students of the Aalto University School of Business.   

The sum includes dissertation grants of 252,560 euros awarded by advance decision on June 5, 2018, to first and second year doctoral students. Letters of acceptance have been sent to grant recipients in the fall of 2018, and their names have been added to the list of recipients below.

In addition, grants of 12,080 euros to Master's theses have been made from companies donor funding. Grants of 14,659 euros were made to language revision of doctoral theses and other research, and
recognition awards for quality publications of 80,000 euros were awarded to researchers at Aalto School of Business. Recognition awards of 27,000 euros were awarded to selected members of students and staff.               
Abbreviations used for the sources of grants:           
TS = The HSE Support Foundation general funds               
LAHJ = Companies donor funding               
Special funds of the HSE Support Foundation:                                              
KKK = the HSE 50th Anniversary fund                             
PWC = PWC Oy fund                        

Research projects

Kent Derin, PhD, 8 000 TS, Group culture and temporal norms in storm chasing teams
Kumar Ashish, PhD, 4 000 TS, Expert vs. E-Aggregator: Can Critics Continue to be Critical? Evidence from the movie Industry
Niemi Lasse, KTT, 4 000 PWC, How directors' social connections ans auditors' experience play together in auditing? Impact of director networks and auditor experience on audit quality.
Outila Virpi, KTT, 6 000 TS, Employee involvement and participation in the Russian context


Choudhury Ranajoy, Doctoral researcher, 12 000 TS, Hybrid logics in BoP - Reseolving multidimensional tensions to create sustainable impact
Pakarinen Pauli, M.Soc.Sc., 12 000 TS, Essays on the question concerning economic rationality, culture, and cognition
Salminen Emma, KTM, 12 000 TS, All hands on deck! - Exploring maintenance practices from ecological perspective

Dissertations, advance decisions June 5, 2018

Bauer Tillman, MSc (Econ.), 10 940 TS, Business and Peace - A Philosophical Treatise
Cozma Petri, KTK, 10 940 TS, Casualties of Consumerism within the Political-Economy of a Welfare State
Elomaa Terhi, VTM, 10 940 TS, Sustainable Human Resource Management
Hilkamo Oona, DI, 940 TS, Kasvuyritykset kiertotaloussysteemissä
Isoherranen Ida, KTK, 10 940 TS, Circular economy companies in the textiles and clothing industry
Kangas-Müller Laura, KTM, YTM, 10 940 TS, Discursive perspectives to labor market integration of refugees
Laine Lauri, KTM, 10 940 TS, Yrittäjyyden sankarimyytti
Leinonen Anna, YTM, DI, 10 940 TS, Creating futures - Practice theoretical view on foresight
Magi Maria, MSc, 10 940 TS, research on organizational reform
Mazurova Elena, PhD candidate, 10 940 TS, Anthropomorphism in ICT. Positive and negative influence of AI technologies with anthropomorphic features on consumer integration and behaviour
Neuvonen Lauri, DI, 10 940 TS, Optimization methods for supporting decision making in the health care sector
Nissinen Juuso, DI, 10 940 TS, The impact of currency in asset allocation and portfolio selection
Parikka Ainomaria, KTM, 10 940 TS, How Customer Experience Management Benefits from Big Data Analytical Capabilities
Peni Laura, OTM, 10 940 TS, EU-vero-oikeudellinen tutkimus yhteisöjen sijoittautumisvapauden periaatteen toteutumisesta, sovellutuksista ja laajuudesta osana uudistuvaa kansainvälistä vero-oikeutta
Polvinen Hilla, MSc, 10 940 TS, First year doctoral student in department of management studies
Rappe Olli, KTM, 10 940 TS, The emergence of the institutional field of digital market in the EU through changes in macro-cultural discourses
Rosenberg Laura, Master of Business, 10 940 TS, elinteemanäkökulman linkittäminen laajempaan viitekehykseen
Sandström Emma, MSc, 10 940 TS, When all answers are wrong - Aid-workers sensemaking process in complex environments
Seeve Teemu, DI, 10 940 TS, conducting research on how methods of machine learning and decision analysis could be integrated to support better business decisions
Soini Aleksi, KTM, 10 940 TS, How to overcome dominant discourses constituting inequality in a workplace?
Tran Tri, DSc, 10 940 TS, Modelling the ripple effect in supply chains using Bayesian network
Vedernikov Andrei, PhD in management service, 10 940 TS, Dynamic Optimization of a Portfolio of Venture Projects: Modelling Multistage Decision-Making Framework for Venture Capital Funds
Vuolteenaho Tomi, KTM, 10 940 TS, Why some debt covenant violations are waived without renegotiating the terms of the loan?
Wentzel Pirta, VTM, 10 940 TS, Vaihtoehtoisia otsikoita "Relationship between companies' ownership struture and the time horizon of their strategy" tai "Relationships between companies' ownership structure and the function of the board of directors"

Professor Emeritus

Kasanen Eero, KTT, 7 500 TS, emeritusapuraha
Korhonen Pekka, FT, 7 500 TS, Päätöksenteon tukeminen
Lilja Kari, KTT, 7 500 TS, Kirjoitushankkeisiin liittyvien ulkomaanmatkojen kustannusten kattaminen, ulkomaisten vieraiden isännöinti Suomessa, osallistumismatkat konferensseihin ja seminaareihin, matkakustannukset liittyen haastatteluihin
Möller Kristian, KTT, 7 500 TS, Liiketoimintaverkostojen ja innovaatio-ekosysteemien orketrointi - pitkäjänteisen tutkimuksen toteuttamiseen
Niskakangas Heikki, OTT, KTM, 7 500 TS, Neutraliteettipoikkeamat uudistuvassa pääomatulojen verotuksessa
Wallenius Jyrki, KTT, 7 500 TS, Monitavoitteinen päätöksenteko

Studies / research abroad

Badham Mark, PhD, 2 100 TS, Communicating through a love lens
Ginting-Carlström Carmelita, MSc, 3 000 TS, Entrepreneurial Engagement of Women Microcredit Borrowers
Kangas-Müller Laura, KTM, YTM, 3 100 TS, Tutkimuksen aineistonkeruun kustannuksiin
Laine Lauri, KTM, YTM, 6 000 TS, Organizational imprinting in cultural entrepreneurship
Maghakyan Arpine, MSc, 2 000 PWC, To attend The University of Auckland as a visiting researcher for three months, February-April, 2019
Myllymäki Emma-Riikka, KTT, 2 000 PWC, University of Auckland Business School
Mäkinen Jukka, KTT, 15 000 TS, Scancor Tutkijana Harvardin yliopistossa Weatherhead Centerissä
Peixoto Ines, MSc, 900 TS, Research visit to SCORE
Sele Kathrin, PhD, 12 000 TS, 3 months visiting stay at University of California Irvine
Troccoli Claudia, MSc, 10 000 TS, University of Warwick, UK,Department of Economics, Research Visit Jan-Jun 2019

Master's thesis, advance decision from donated funds

Ersöz Semih, BSc, 2 800 LAHJ, Social impact measurement of edtech projects in impact investing
Karttunen Vilma, KTK, 1 840 LAHJ, Monimuotoisuuden johtaminen, 125 mahdollisuutta työelämään -hanke
Kolari Saara, BSc, 5600 LAHJ, Estimating volume of governmental procurement with AR-models - case Hansel ltd
Lonka Venla, KTK, 1 840 LAHJ, Työnantajamielikuva - Miten työnantajamielikuva välittyy rekrytointitapahtumassa




Arrieta Valentina, MEcon, 2 300 TS, The Nordic Research School in International Business (Nord IB)
Cozma Petri, MSc, 1 400 TS, Consumption Markets and Culture Theorization
Elomaa Terhi, VTM, 2 300 TS, Nord-IB
Isoherranen Ida, KTM, 2 000 TS, EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Research Methodology in Operations Management
Jones Hunter, PhD, 1 400 TS, Consumption Markets and Culture Theorization
Kee Taeyoung, Doctoral, 2 800 TS, Global School in Empirical Research Methods at BI Norwegian Business School
Padhaiskaya Tatsiana, MSc, 1 400 TS, Consumption Markets and Culture Theorization Seminar, 6 ECTS
Pham (Thi Ly) Ly, 2 100 PWC, EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Audit Research
Polvinen Hilla, MSc, 2 300 TS, The Nordic Research School in International Business (NORD-IB), modules 2, 3, 4, 6
Reunamäki Riku, MSc, 1 000 TS, The Nordic Research School in International Business (NORD-IB), modules 2 and 3
Rosenberg Laura, MSc, 1 400 TS, Consumer Markets and Culture Theorization
Tinits Priit, MSc, 2 300 TS, The Nordic Research School in International Business (NORD-IB), modules 2, 3, 4, 6
Tran Tri, MSc, 2 000 TS, EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Research Methodology in Operations Management
Xu Xiaoshi, Master, 1 000, KKK, The Nordic Research School in International Business (NORD-IB), modules 2 and 3

Conference paper / working paper

Banaeianjahromi Negin, DSc, 1 800 TS, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Cepa Katharina, MSc, 1 200 TS, EURAM 2019
Dai Sheng, Doctoral Student, 1 800 TS, 6th IAEE Asian Conference
Dike Marcellinus, PhD, 1 200 TS, EIBA 2018 Conference in Poznan, Poland
Eskelinen Juha, KTT, 1 800 TS, INFORMS 2018 Annual Meeting
Fan Weije, MSc, 1 800 TS, Wuhan International Conference on E-Business (WHICEB 2019)
Farny Steffen, DSc, 800 TS, G-Forum Entrepreneurship Conference
Fey Carl, PhD, 800 TS, 2019 Academy of International Business Conference
Finne Max, DSc, 1 200 TS, 16th CEMS Research Seminar 2019
Gloukhovtsev Alexei, MSc, 1 800 TS, Association for Consumer Research North American Conference 2018
Haataja Vera, KTM, 1 200 TS, 35th EGOS Colloquium
Hakkarainen Tuuli, KTM, 1 200 TS, Konferenssimatka International Business -alan vuosittaiseen konferenssiin
Hekkala Riitta, FT, 1 800 TS, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) (JUFO 2 -konferenssi)
Huhtala Juho-Petteri, KTT, 1 800 TS, ANZMAC 2018
Huikku Jari, KTT, 1 200 TS, 11th Conference on New Directions Management Accounting
Humphries Lucas, MBA, 1 200 TS, EIBA 2018, Poznan, Poland
Hänninen Mikko, KTM, 1 200 TS, 14th Organization Studies Workshop, Technology & Organization
Juntunen Jouni, KTT, 700 TS, International QCA Paper Development Workshop 2018, ETH Zurich
Jyrämä Annikka, KTT, 1 800 TS, 15th International Conference on intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning, 29-30 Nov 2018, University of Western Cape, South Africa
Kajalo Sami, KTT, 1 800 TS, American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences (ASBBS), 26th Annual Meeting
Karhunen Päivi, KTT, 1 200 TS, RENT 2018 - Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business conference
Koveshnikov Alexei, DSc, 1 200 TS, European International Business Academy (EIBA) 2018 Conference
Kuula Markku, KTT, 1 800 TS, Decision Sciences Institute 2018 Annual Meeting
Kähäri Perttu, KTT, DI, 1 200 TS, European International Business Academy (EIBA) 2018 Conference
Laihonen Maarit, KTT, 1 200 TS, EGOS Colloquium 2019
Lauraeus Iris Theresa, KTT, 800 TS, Mid-term conference of ESA RN22 - Complexities of Risk and Uncertainty
Lavrusheva Olga, MSc, 1 800 TS, 2018 Association for Consumer Research conference
Lehtimäki Aku-Ville, KTM, VTM, 1 200 TS, SKIM/Sawtooth Software Conference 2019
Outila Virpi, KTT, 1 200 TS, 13th GEM&L International Conference on Management and Language
Paaso Mikael, MPhil, 1 800 TS, American Economic Association 2019 Meeting (Atlanta, USA)
Paavola Lauri, DI, 1 200 TS, Oxford Futures Retail Conference
Penttinen Esko, KTT, 1 800 TS, International Conference on Information Systems
Piekkari Rebecca, KTT, 1 800 TS, iBEGIN-konferenssi 2018
Raitasuo Pinja, KTT, 1 200 TS, 16th CEMS Research Seminar on Supply Chain Management, Jan 23 - 27, 2019 in Riezlern, Austria
Rinta-Kahila Tapani, KTM, 1 800 TS, International Conference on Information Systems 2018
Ritvala Tiina, KTT, 1 200 TS, EIBA 2018 conference
Roshan Kokabha Maryam, MSc, 1 800 TS, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS52)
Rudra Piyali, MBA, 1 500, PDAC International Convention, Trade Show & Investors Exchange, Minig Conference, March 2019, Toronto, Canada
Saittakari Iiris, KTT, 1 200 TS, European International Business Academy (EIBA) 2018 Annual Meeting
Salmi Julia, VTM, 1 200 TS, Econometric Society European Winter meeting , Naples
Sele Kathrin, PhD, 1 800 TS, Academy of Management Conference
Somervuori Outi, KTT, 1 200 TS, 2019 SKIM/Sawtooth Software European Conference
Tiilikainen Sanna, MSS, 1 800 TS, Participation in ICIS2018 conference San Francisco, USA
Tuunainen Virpi, KTT, 1 800 TS, HICSS-52, 8-11.1.2019 Maui, HI, USA
Upreti Bikesh Raj, MSc, 1 800 TS, International Conference on Information Systems
Vaniala Iiro, KTM, 1 800 TS, KSMS International Conference 2018
Virtanen Yuan, DSc, 1 200 TS, The 28th Annual Conference of the International Purchasing and Supply Education & Research and Association (IPSERA)
Wallenius Jyrki, KTT, 1 200 TS, 25th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making
Wierenga Marleen, MSc, 1 800 TS, 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Doctoral Consortium and conference participation
Yadar Sadaat, PhD, 800 TS, 6th International EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum
You Weimu, MSc, 1 200 TS, 28th International IPSERA Conference and 26th International Annual EurOMA Conference
Zhou Xun, MSc, 1 800 TS, The Sustainable and Development Conference

Other travel

Granqvist Nina, KTT, 700 TS, 4th Paper Development Workshop for PhD Students and Early Career Scholars in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe CESEE
Gylfe Philip, PhD, 1 800 TS, Academy of Management Conference in Boston
Rossi Matti, KTT, 1 800 TS, HICSS-konferenssi



Johtamisen laitos / Karjalainen Toni-Matti, Dos, TaT, 3 000 TS, Modern Heavy Metal Conference 2019 - konferenssin järjestämiskulut



Language revision for dissertation

Apajalahti Eeva-Lotta, KTM, 300 TS, Large energy companies in transition - from gatekeepers to bridge builders
Gorskikh Olga, MSc, 744 TS, Change-point analysis in predictive relationships
Kallio Galina, KTM, 1683 TS, The visible hands - an ethnographic inquiry into the emergence of food collectives as a social practice for exchange
Koivisto Elina, KTM, 1 140 TS, Essays on Value Co-Creation in Experiental Marketplaces
Li Yijie, MSc, 570 TS, Information Asymmetry and the Dynamic Impact of Anonymity on Uninformed Liquidity
Moisala Aarni, KTL, 390 TS, Developing methods to study the emergence of entrepreneurship
Rinta-Kahila Tapani, KTM, 1 721 TS, Pulling the Plug - The Concept, Process, and Outcomes of Organizational Information System Discontinuance
Roshan Maryam, MSc, 1 650 TS, Dynamics of Success for Early-Stage Mobile Game Stratups
Tiilikainen Sanna, MSc, 1457 TS, Augmented Sociality - How the Digital and Physical Worlds Merge in the Social Use of ICT
You Weimu, MSc, 1 240 TS, Trends and Shifts in Global Sourcing and Manufacturing Patterns

Language revision for other scientific research

Järventie-Thesleff Rita, KTT, 260 TS, Identifying with a blog community. Boundary dynamics in a boundaryless organization
Katila Saija, KTT, 372 TS, Getting into the beat, Learning the rhythms of lean start up practice
Katila Saija, KTT, 334 TS, Changing Writing Practices and Becoming Academics - Learning to Resist
Kuronen Marja-Liisa, KTT, 295 TS, Published disclosure principles as responses to institutional pressures of financial transparency in European public companies
Penttinen Esko, KTT, 884 TS, Constructing Continuities in Virtual Work Environments - Multiple Case Study of Two Firms with Differing Degrees of Virtuality
Penttinen Esko, KTT, 796 TS, Achieving High Reliability in Digital Organizing. How to Address the Frame Problem in Digital Operations
Penttinen Esko, KTT, 823 TS, Constructing Continuity across the Culture Boundary in a Virtual Organization



Farny Steffen, PhD, Kibler Ewald, Assistant Professor ja työryhmä, 4 000 TS, Volunteer Retention in Prosocial Venturing: The Role of Emotional Connectivity
Farny Steffen, PhD, Kibler Ewald, Assistant Professor ja työryhmä, 4 000 TS, Collective Emotions in Institutional Creation Work
Fey Carl, PhD, Professor Aalto BIZ ja työyhmä, 2 000 TS, When Same is (not) the Aim: A Treatise on Organizational Cultural Similarity, Fit and Knowledge Transfer
Juntunen Jouni, KTT ja työryhmä, 4 000 TS, Energy Internet forums as acceleration phase transition intermediaries
Jylhä Petri, KTT, 4 000 TS, Margin Requirements and the Security Market Line
Karhunen Päivi, KTT, Kankaanranta Anne, FT, Louhiala-Salminen Leena, FT, Piekkari Rebecca, KTT, 4 000 TS, Let's talk about language: A review of language-sensitive research in international management
Kauppila Olli-Pekka, KTT ja työryhmä, 4 000 TS, Connecting and creating: tertius iungens, individual creativity, and strategic decision processes
Kauppila Olli-Pekka, KTT ja työryhmä, 4 000 TS, Turning strategic network resources into performance: the mediating role of network identity of small and medium-sized enterprises
Kauppila Olli-Pekka, KTT, 2 000 TS, How does it feel and how does it look? The role of employee motivation in organizational learning type
Keloharju Matti, KTT ja työryhmä, 4 000 TS, Are CEOs born leaders? Lessons from traits of a million individuals
Kibler Ewald, PhD, Heikkilä Jukka-Pekka, Dr. ja työryhmä, 2 000 TS, Elite entrepreneurship education: Translating ideas in North Korea
Kibler Ewald, PhD, Salmivaara Virva, Dr. ja työryhmä, 2 000 TS, The evaluative legitimacy of social entrepreneurship in capitalist welfare systems
Kodeih Farah, PhD ja työryhmä, 4 000 TS, Competing through Categorization: Product- and Audience-Centric Strategies in an Evolving Categorical Structure
Lankakoski Leena, TkT, MBA ja työryhmä, 2 000 TS, shaping norms. A convention theoretical examination of alternative food retailers as food sustainability transition actors
Murto Pauli, Välimäki Juuso, Professor, 2 000 TS, Large all-pay auctions with IPV bidders
Mäkinen Jukka, KTT ja työryhmä, 4 000 TS, Synthesising corporate responsibility on organizational ond societal levels of analysis. An integrative perspective
Patala Samuli, DSc ja työryhmä, 2 000 TS, Championing processes and the emergence of industrial symbiosis
Patala Samuli, DSc ja työryhmä, 2 000 TS, The darker side of sustainability: Tensions from  sustainable business practices in business networks
Penttinen Esko, KTT ja työryhmä, 2 000 TS, Constructing continuities in virtual work environments: A multiple case study of two firms with difffering degrees of virtuality
Rossi Matti, KTT ja työryhmä, 2 000 TS, Design Science research Contributions: Finding a Balance between Artifact and Theory
Schildt Henri, PhD, Vaara Eero, Prof ja työryhmä, 4 000 TS, Strategic concepts as micro-level tools in strategic sensemaking
Tikkanen Henrikki, KTT ja työryhmä, 2 000 TS, The Dilemma of Service Productivity and service Innovation. An Empirical Exploration in Financial Services
Tikkanen Henrikki, KTT, Luoma Jukka, KTT, DI, Falk Tomas, Dr.rer.pol. ja työryhmä, 4 000 TS, Big splash, no waves? Cognitive mechanisms driving incumbent firms' responses to low-market entry strategies
Turunen Taija, PhD, Eloranta Ville, ja työryhmä, 2 000 TS, Aligning the Mindset and Capabilities within a Business Network for Successful Adoption of Smart Services
Vaara Eero, KTT, Prof ja työryhmä, 4 000 TS, New ways of seeing qualitative research
Weijo Henri, PhD, Arnould Eric J. ja työryhmä, 4 000 TS, Consumer Movements and Collective Creativity: The Case of Restaurant Day


RECOGNITION AWARDS, Advance decisions

Farny Steffen, DSc, 2 000 TS, Dissertation of the year 2017
Holm Satu, Sihteeri, 5 000 TS, Service employee of the year 2018
Ikäheimo Seppo, Professori, 2 500 TS, Teaching developer of the year 2018
Kautonen Teemu, Professori, 5 000 TS, Reseacher of the year 2018
Malmi Teemu, Professori, 2 500 TS, Teaching developer of the year 2018
Nokso-Koivisto Oskari, Project Manager, 5 000 TS, Societal contributor of the year 2018
Viitala Tomi, Professori, 5 000 TS, Teacher of the year 2018


Letters including instructions will be sent to grant recipients in December

Arto Mäenmaa
Managing Director


Page content by: | Last updated: 05.12.2018.